Saturday, July 25, 2009

ding dong songs

just as i was walking past HMV the other day, i realized that it has been a long time since i have visited a CD shop and lately not many of these shops are sustaining. take for example the CD shop at Marina Sq, it has shifted from its premises.

In the past, it was a norm for one to visit the music store when they want to browse, buy or check out new arrivals. Now all these have changed with the internet. With just a few clicks on the mouse in the very comfort of your own home, you can browse music on the internet. This technology has also led to a massive number of people conveniently downloading music - illegally.

Embarrassed to say, I was tempted by this cheap and easy way of obtaining my favourite music without forking out a single cent. This all started in secondary school when my dad installed a CD rewriteable machine in his computer and copied a CD. I got excited with this new technology and borrowed a couple of CDs from my friends and made several copied CDs. The audio quality was exactly the same. During my poly days, it was probably due to peer influence, I started to learn how to download music illegally from several mp3 websites. I knew it was wrong but these methods of obtaining music were so easy and since no one I knew got caught then why not?

Nowadays obtaining illegal music is much easier than ever. Music from almost every artist can be found on you tube and can be easily shared just hours after it’s first release. Listeners can upload music onto their blogs and it’s available for download to anyone anywhere. File sharing has never been easier. Just Google the song title and artist and you can be brought to the downloading site. It is easier than purchasing it online. Music companies have tried putting anti copying softwares onto CDs, while government has spend tons of money on advertisements to educate the public to stop piracy but it is highly unlikely that we stop downloading illegally. It has been embedded into our daily lives. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of this illegal whirlpool of unauthorized downloading.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

scrambled thots at noon

hmmm.. this would be a short blog entry. as you can see i am trying to keep up with time to publish things into my blog. its hard when you get busy. now is a good time to write as there is nothing to do at work while waiting for approvals and stuff. i notice things slow down when working for a bigger company. no i havent found a new job yet just bored at work doing the same promotions over and over again for the past 2 years. come december i would be working for 3 years. i know my new year's resolution is to find a new job but i have no time to find and also i am studying at the same time.

i guess all i can do now is to concentrate on my studies and hope to graduate next year. i cant wait. i predict things will be really different when i graduate like getting new job, seeing less of my class mates. talking bout classmates, dara's birthday is coming soon... what do u wish for your birthday dear? maybe this year u can write me a wishlist then its easier for me to choose your present... or perhaps we can go on a short trip somewhere? hmmm.... gotta get back to sucky work, cant wait to knock off!